<p align="justify"><strong><img style="float: left; width: 163px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 10px;" src="http://jurnal.fkip.untad.ac.id/public/journals/24/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg" height="230" /></strong></p> <h2>JBOT (Jurnal Banua Oge Tadulako ) </h2> <div> <p align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Banua Oge Tadulako</strong> <strong>(JBOT) |</strong> eISSN : <a title="eISSN JBOT" href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20220121131083945" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2828-2353</a> | is a journal managed by the Teacher Professional Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University and published by Tadulako University.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Journal Banua Oge Tadulako (JBOT)</strong> is published periodically twice a year every May and October. JBOT publishes papers based on the results of special studies in pedagogical science and its application. We invite students, teachers, lecturers, and researchers in these fields to submit your articles.</p> </div>Universitas Tadulakoen-USJURNAL BANUA OGE TADULAKO2828-2353The Use of Problem-Based Learning Model to Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Fifth Grade Students at SDN Andolia
<p class="MEAbsText">The background of this research is the low learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SDN Andolia in mathematics. The aim of this research is to improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SDN Andolia in mathematics using the problem-based learning model. The type of research used is classroom action research with the subjects being 34 fifth-grade students of SDN Andolia. Data were collected using observation, tests, and documentation methods, and then analyzed using quantitative methods. The research results showed that the average score of students in the pre-cycle was 61.47. The classical completeness in the pre-cycle was 23.52%, which falls into the low category. In cycle 1, the average score obtained by students was 75.58. The classical completeness in cycle 1 was 52.94%, which falls into the moderate category. In cycle 2, the average score obtained was 88.23. The classical completeness in cycle 2 was 94.11%, which falls into the very high category. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the use of the problem-based learning model can improve the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SDN Andolia in mathematics.</p>ummi suhartini
Copyright (c) 2024 ummi suhartini
2023-05-202023-05-2022464910.22487/jbot.v2i2.2652Increasing Student Learning Outcomes Using The Learning Model Project Based Learning (PjBL) In Class IV SD State 05 Kubangputiah Banuhampu, Agam
<p>Learning is due to the interaction between stimulus and response. In schools, learning will be more meaningful if students are directly involved in learning. One way is by using a project based learning (PjBL) learning model. The stages in the project based learning (PjBL) learning model are the stages in the PjBL learning model, including the stage of determining the basic questions (gathering information), the stage of designing the project, the stage of preparing the schedule, the stage of monitoring students and project progress, the stage of testing the results. By using the project based learning (PjBL) learning model, the learning outcomes of fourth graders at SD Negeri Kubang Putiah, Banuhampu, Agam. This can be seen in the scores of students' cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. The number of students who achieved completeness were 24 students from 25 students. So the number of students who did not complete there was only 1 student. Data on the implementation of learning using the PjBL model can be obtained an average score of 90% (B) on student activities and 93% (SB) on teacher activities.</p> <p><em>Key Word</em> <em>: Learning, Learning Score, PjBL, </em></p>eva mardiyanti
Copyright (c) 2023 eva mardiyanti
2023-05-212023-05-2122505310.22487/jbot.v2i2.2703Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes in Science Education Through the PBL Model at SDN 2 Bangunrejo
<p class="MEAbsText"><em>The main problem in this study is the low learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at SDN 2 Bangunrejo in the subject of Science. The decline in students' learning outcomes in Science is influenced by the media and teaching models used by the teacher, which are less engaging. students feel bored during lessons, as evidenced by their unsatisfactory grades, laziness in completing assigned tasks, reluctance to ask questions, and desire to leave quickly during lessons. This condition is worsened by the lack of support from family and parents, who tend to focus on their work without considering their child's learning progress. To improve student learning outcomes, the researcher implemented the PBL model. This study was conducted in two cycles with a total of 20 students. Each cycle consisted of planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. From the results of cycle I, a classical learning completeness of 55% was obtained with an average score of 6.7. The results of cycle II showed a classical learning completeness of 90% with an average score of 7.5. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the PBL Model can improve the learning outcomes of the 4th-grade students at SDN 2 Bangunrejo.</em></p>septa ayu lufiandari
Copyright (c) 2023 septa ayu lufiandari
2023-05-302023-05-3022545710.22487/jbot.v2i2.2649Improvement of national character education in the subject of civic education
<p><em>The implementation of character education in schools can be carried out through the integration of character education into subjects, in this way, teachers can instill character education during the learning process of assessment funds, and of course, preceded by good preparation. The purpose of this study is to describe the interpretation of the nation's character education in the dark subject of civic education at SDN 1 Luwuk, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency, by using qualitative descriptive, data was obtained to integrate character education, the syllabus and lesson plan are charged with character values, the learning process is student-centered, in this case teachers are required to apply active learning methods. The principle of assessment must be implemented at the time of assessing learning outcomes. It is recommended that the school continue to strive for moral and material support in the form of providing facilities to teachers to carry out character education consistently, not just compiling learning tools with character, but what is more important is to instill character values in the learning process and research learning outcomes honestly and fairly. Based on the results of research on grade 6 students totaling 30 rang, studied in 3 forms, integrating character education in the subject of civic education, namely: Integrating character education there is a syllabus and plan for implementing civic education learning, integrating character education in civic education learning activities, and integrating character education in implementing the results of civic education learning.</em></p>Kamsia Pendidikan
Copyright (c) 2023 Kamsia Kamsia
2023-05-302023-05-3022586110.22487/jbot.v2i2.2508The Implementation of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model to Improve Students' Understanding of Science Subjects at SD Negeri 2 Kotagajah, Kotagajah District, Central Lampung Regency
<p>This study aims to improve students' understanding through the Problem-Based Learning model in science subjects regarding the diversity of living things in my environment. This study uses the CAR (Classroom Action Research) method by applying the cycle rules consisting of planning, implementation, observation, analysis, and reflection. This research took place in two cycles and according to the phase steps contained in the Problem-Based Learning model, data collection used observation techniques and test results (evaluation). The results showed that the use of the Problem-Based Learning model could improve students' understanding. The implementation of learning obtained results in the first cycle of 65% and the second cycle of 85%. The teacher's activity in the first cycle was 86.4% and the second cycle was 93.2%. The conclusion is that the use of the Problem-Based Learning model can improve students' understanding of the science subject matter of the Diversity of Living Things in My Environment in Class IV SDN 2 Kotagajah prov, Lampung. Thus, the use of the PBL model can be used as a reference for consideration for use in class IV, especially in science subjects for the Diversity of Creatures in My Environment. </p>DEWI ROSIDAH
Copyright (c) 2023 DEWI ROSIDAH
2023-05-302023-05-3022626810.22487/jbot.v2i2.2664Increasing Students' Learning Motivation Through the Application of the Problem Based Learning Model in Class VIIA of SMP Negeri 12 Palu
<p>The purpose of this study was to increase students' learning motivation through the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in Civics learning in Class VIIA SMP Negeri 12 Palu. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out in 2 cycles. The subjects of this study were Class VIIA students of SMP Negeri 12 Palu, totaling 26 people. The results showed that the learning motivation of students in Civics learning could be increased through the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in Class VIIA of SMP Negeri 12 Palu. This can be seen from the 6 (six) indicators of learning motivation used to see the level of learning motivation of students in the first cycle of the 2nd meeting, the first indicator reaches 73%; the second indicator reached 73%; the third indicator reached 77%; the fourth indicator reached 73; the fifth indicator reaches 73%, and the sixth indicator reaches 65%. While in the second cycle of the 2nd meeting, the first indicator reached 96%; the second indicator reached 92%; the third indicator reached 96%; the fourth indicator reached 92%; the fifth indicator reaches 92%, and the sixth indicator reaches 92%.</p> <p> </p>Dian AgusfitriSunarto AmusS. A. Hamid
Copyright (c) 2023 Dian Agusfitri, Sunarto Amus, S. A. Hamid
2023-05-302023-05-3022697510.22487/jbot.v2i2.2669The Use of Problem Based Learning Model in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Lessons Mathematics in Grade III of SD Negeri 0121 Tanjung Botung
<p>The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in students' mathematics learning outcomes through the use of the PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning model. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were 33 grade III students at SD Negeri 0121 Tanjung Botung consisting of 18 boys and 15 girls. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by: (1) observation, (2) tests. The data instruments used were: (1) observation sheets for the implementation of learning activities in mathematics using the Problem Based Learning model (2) test sheets in the form of multiple choice questions in mathematics using the Problem Based Learning model. Data analysis techniques in this study used qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that after conducting research using the Problem Based Learning learning model, the learning outcomes of grade 3 students at SD Negeri 0121 Tanjung Botung have increased in each cycle. In the pre-cycle, there were 14 students who completed with a percentage of 42%, while students who did not complete were 19 with a percentage of 58%. After making improvements in cycle I there was an increase, namely 23 students who completed with a percentage of 69% and students who did not complete were 10 with a percentage of 31% and the highest score in cycle I was 85 and the lowest score was 60 and the average value was 76, the results of cycle I improvements have not yet reached the achievement indicator of 80% completeness, therefore cycle II improvements are carried out. After the implementation of cycle II there was an increase, namely students who completed 30 with a percentage of 90% while students who did not complete were 3 people with a percentage of 10% and the highest score in cycle II was 90 and the lowest score was 65 and the average score was 85. Thus the improvement with the Problem Based Learning model it can be said to be successful because the learning outcomes achieve the goal, namely the percentage of 90%. So it can be concluded that learning with the Problem Based Learning model can improve learning outcomes in mathematics.</p>windy hidayani
Copyright (c) 2023 Windy Hidayani
2023-05-302023-05-3022768210.22487/jbot.v2i2.2939Improving Student Activity and Learning Outcomes through the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model in Grade 3 Students of SDN 12 Tanantovea
<p>The purpose of this study is to increase student activity and learning outcomes through the application of problem-based learning learning models. This type of research is PTK. Subjects of grade IV students. Data collection techniques using tests, observation data, and activeness assessment rubrics. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results of the activeness of learning activities in pre-cycle (64.87%) 24 students inactive in the first cycle increased to (24.32%) 9 students were quite active and in the second cycle increased to (83.78%) 31 students were active. Pre-cycle learning outcomes showed completeness of (41%) 15 students completed, which then increased in cycle 1 to (54%) 20 students completed, and (81%) 30 students completed in cycle II. Thus the application of problem-based learning learning models improves the activity and learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at SDN Tanantovea</p>Ramlah Amha
Copyright (c) 2023 Ramlah Ramlah