Improvement of national character education in the subject of civic education


  • Kamsia Pendidikan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar UNTAD



character education , civic education


The implementation of character education in schools can be carried out through the integration of character education into subjects, in this way, teachers can instill character education during the learning process of assessment funds, and of course, preceded by good preparation. The purpose of this study is to describe the interpretation of the nation's character education in the dark subject of civic education at SDN 1 Luwuk, Luwuk Subdistrict, Banggai Regency, by using qualitative descriptive, data was obtained to integrate character education, the syllabus and lesson plan are charged with character values, the learning process is student-centered, in this case teachers are required to apply active learning methods. The principle of assessment must be implemented at the time of assessing learning outcomes. It is recommended that the school continue to strive for moral and material support in the form of providing facilities to teachers to carry out character education consistently, not just compiling learning tools with character, but what is more important is to instill character values in the learning process and research learning outcomes honestly and fairly. Based on the results of research on grade 6 students totaling 30 rang, studied in 3 forms, integrating character education in the subject of civic education, namely: Integrating character education there is a syllabus and plan for implementing civic education learning, integrating character education in civic education learning activities, and integrating character education in implementing the results of civic education learning.


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