Improving Student Activity and Learning Outcomes through the Problem Based Learning (PBL) Learning Model in Grade 3 Students of SDN 12 Tanantovea


  • Ramlah Amha Mahasiswa PPG Daljab Kategori 1 2022



problem-based learning, activity, learning outcomes


The purpose of this study is to increase student activity and learning outcomes through the application of problem-based learning learning models. This type of research is PTK. Subjects of grade IV students. Data collection techniques using tests, observation data, and activeness assessment rubrics. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results of the activeness of learning activities in pre-cycle (64.87%) 24 students inactive in the first cycle increased to (24.32%) 9 students were quite active and in the second cycle increased to (83.78%) 31 students were active. Pre-cycle learning outcomes showed completeness of (41%) 15 students completed, which then increased in cycle 1 to (54%) 20 students completed, and (81%) 30 students completed in cycle II. Thus the application of problem-based learning learning models improves the activity and learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at SDN Tanantovea


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