Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Muatan IPA Tentang Organ Pencernaan Hewan dan Fungsinya Melalui Media Gambar pada Siswa Kelas V SD
Learning outcomes, animal, picture mediaAbstract
The background of this research is the learning process of students in science content about digestive organs and their functions in animals through media images, based on observations there is one of the children's problems, namely the lack of interest in learning when the learning process takes place. The purpose of this learning improvement research is to improve students' learning outcomes in science content about digestive organs and their functions in animals through media images in class V SDN Damit 2, Batu Ampar District. The implementation of this learning improvement research was carried out from October to December 2018 semester one of the 2018-2019 school year with learning improvement procedures covering the stages of planning, implementing, observing/observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students at SDN Damit 2, Batu Ampar District. The number of students is 21 students consisting of 10 boys and 11 girls with each design of learning improvement activities, namely: Draft of Revised and Reflected lesson plan cycles. From the results of the learning activities that have been carried out for two cycles, and based on all the discussions and analyzes that have been carried out, it can be concluded that learning through the media of images can improve the learning outcomes of class V students in science content about digestive organs and their functions in animals and learning is in accordance with the steps learning step. This can be seen from the results of student learning, which can be shown by the increasing percentage of learning completeness, namely 57.14 Y9 in the first cycle and increased in the second cycle to 85.71. Based on these results, it can be concluded that learning through media images can improve student learning outcomes in science content about digestive organs and their functions in animals in class V SDN Damit 2 in 2 cycles
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