The Effect of PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) Learning Method with Internet-Assisted on Learning Outcomes of Students SMA Labschool UNTAD Palu on Salt Hydrolysis
PQ4R, internet, salt hydrolysis, learning outcomesAbstract
This study aimed to describe the effect of PQ4R learning methods with internet-assisted on students’ learning outcomes of class XI SMA Labschool UNTAD Palu on salt hydrolysis material. The type of research was quasi-experimental with a nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design. This study was conducted with two groups, namely the XI IPA class 1 as the experimental group (n = 21) and the XI IPA class 3 as a control group (n = 23). The testing of the research data used a two-party t-test statistical analysis. The results of data analysis obtained that the average of an experimental class was 63.19 with a standard deviation of 7.37 and a control class was 57.22 with a standard deviation of 8.19. The results of testing the hypothesis with the two-party t-test statistics obtained -ttable<tcount> +ttable (tcount 2.54 and ttable 1.68) with a significance level (α) = 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk) = 35. Based on the results testing of the hypothesis, it can be concluded that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. This means that the PQ4R learning method with internet-assisted has a positive effect on the learning outcomes of students class XI SMA Labschool UNTAD Palu.
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