Application of Discovery Learning Model to Improve Student Science Process Skills in Colloid Material on Senior High School
Science process skills, discovery learning, colloidsAbstract
This study aimed to describe the improvement of students' science skills by applying the discovery learning model to the colloid material of class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Ampibabo. The research method used was pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest. The sample in this study consisted of students from class XI IPA as experimental class 1, which was planned for 30 students, and class XI IPA B as class experiment 2, which meant 30 students. The instrument used was a science skills test, student activity observation sheets measured using six aspects, namely, observation, asking questions, hypothesizing, classification, interpreting data, and communicating) and student response questionnaires. The results of the study were obtained from the science skills test scores, the pretest, and the hottest of the two classes; namely, the average pretest score for class XI IPA A was 11.66 % and class XI IPA B was 13.3 %, while the average posttest score was 11.66 %. Obtained from class XI IPA B of 75.48% and class XI IPA B of 75.97 % The results of the analysis of the six aspects of science process skills of students in class XI IPA A obtained an average of 75.52 % and class XI IPA B was obtained an average of 78.64 %. Based on the study results, it can be ignored that the application of discovery learning models can improve students' skills in colloid material in class XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Ampibabo. This can be seen from the proportion of the average student response, which is 90.61 % strongly agree with the discovery learning model.
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