
  • Eka Permatasari Universitas Tadulako
  • Abdul Kamaruddin Universitas Tadulako
  • Mashuri Mashuri Universitas Tadulako



Speaking, Everyone is a Teacher Here Method, Improve


The objective of this research is to investigate whether or not the students’ speaking ability can improve through the Everyone is A Teacher Here Method in teaching speaking skill of tenth grade students at SMA Negeri 5 Palu. This research applies quasi experimental design, that used two classes, they are experimental class and control class. The research population was the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Palu which is consisted of 325 students. The samples were selected by purposive sampling technique and it was 17 students of X  Mipa 6a and 16 students of X Mipa 6b. The instruments that was used to collect the data was tests. The tests include pre-test and post-test, with the pre-test mean score 35.29 for experimental class and 35.63 for control class. While post-test mean score is 45.29 for experimental class and 37.50 for control class. The result of the data is analyzed statistically by applying the t-test formula. The result of the data analysis show that the value of t-counted is 2.45. Applying the degree of freedom 31 (Nx + Ny – 2 = 17 + 16 – 2) and 0.05 level of significance the value of t-table is  1.567. The calculation show that the t-test value is higher than the t-table value. It means that the hypothesis of this research is accepted. It affirms that Everyone is A teacher Here Method can improve students’ speaking skill of the tenth grade students at SMA Negeri 5 Palu.


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How to Cite

Permatasari, E., Kamaruddin, A., & Mashuri, M. (2022). THE USE OF EVERYONE IS A TEACHER HERE METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL. E-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society), 10(2), 153-161.




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