Analysis of Student Representation Ability in Solving First Law Problems of Thermodynamics
The research was meant to analyze the student's ability to representation the problem of
thermodynamics. Research time was done on the oddity of the school year 2021/2022. This
method of study is a mixed study with a type of explanatory sequential mixed items. The
subject of this study is the 2020 class of physical education students in the physics education
study program, the university of tadulako as many as 15 people. The respondents in this study
are the subject of a selected study that represents three strategies of high, moderate, and low
as many as three. The problem-solving test instruments use student representation of the
essay tests the lab was botched by the validator able The acquisition of the problem-solving
skill test using representation shows that the average score for 15 human research subjects is
59.13 and deviation of 6.39. Research shows that students tend to be weak in resolving
problems with graphic and mathematical representation. The dominant representation format is
dominated by the student's verbal representation ability, the concept of the student in
particular on the representation should be enhanced by getting the student to solve the
problem with the representation form of verbal, mathematical paragraph on learning.
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